suppliers - Vers. 18/10/2021


Oscar Boscarol SRL processes your data in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and other applicable regulations. Please read the following information carefully. In the following text, the word "data subject" refers to you. The data controller is available to you for any clarification.

Data source - interested party


Interested parties - suppliers of goods and services, consultants


Types of data processed - identification and contact data, tax identification data, bank data, payment and collection data, data relating to products and services purchased


Purpose - to prepare and execute commercial contracts, manage the accounts, receipts and payments, protect the rights of the owner and the interested party also in court, fulfill all legal obligations


Data controller - Oscar Boscarol SRLvia Enzo Ferrari 29 - 39100 Bolzano


Data Protection Officer (DPO) - not appointed


Representative in the EU - not appointed


Legitimacy of processing - art. 6 § 1 lett b) GDPR (need to perform a contract or pre-contractual measures) art. 6 § 1 lett c) GDPR (need to comply with a legal obligation)


Legitimate interest - not foreseen


Data retention - 10 years from last purchase (equal to the legal obligation to retain accounting records)


Possible recipients of the data - commercialists, auditors, suppliers of computer programs, suppliers of technical assistance services, accounting and tax authorities (any recipients may process the data only in the interest of the owner and for the purposes indicated above)


Extra EU data transfer - data remains within the European Union


Your rights - Your rights (available at the link below) can be exercised by contacting the owner, the representative or the DPO by mail or e-mail


Complaints - for any violation of your rights you can complain to the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali in Rome or, alternatively, to the supervisory authority of the place where you are established within the EU


Communication of data - necessary: failure to provide data prevents the data subject from providing the controller with goods and services


Consent - not required