Medication case designed for companies or manufacturing units of group A and B and in any case with three or more workers. Content according to DM 388/2003 annex 1 and D.L. 81/2008 art.45 and D.P.P. 25/2005, Regulation on first aid provisions in companies of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, which supplements the minimum content required by the national decree. For group A companies, the content provided for in annex 1 is to be integrated on the basis of the risks present in the workplace.
Complete with:
(Group A companies are those at high risk, such as thermoelectric power plants, nuclear plants and laboratories, mining companies, explosives factories, or companies/production units with more than 5 workers with high INAIL accident index or companies/production units with more than 5 permanent workers in the agricultural sector).
(Group B companies are those with 3 or more workers that do not fall into Group A, so they are not high risk).
(Group C companies are those with less than 3 workers that do not fall into group A, so they are not at high risk).
Boscarol medication line features diff erent typologies of medical devices including those suitable for wound treatment, compressive bendage, haemostasis, intraosseus and intravenous injection treatments besides basic surgical instruments.
In this category it is possible to identify specifi c sets properly designed for particular medical situations such as amputation, burns, emergency deliveries and infection preventions. In this family self-protection devices are also included together with complete kits to preserve health and safety on working places (D.L. 81/2008).
All our sterile devices are supplied with proper package to preserve their characteristics. The products manufactured and commercialized by the Oscar Boscarol are the result of a careful consideration of market most common requests and needs, with regard to their specifi c fi eld and all of them in compliance with all current norms.